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Services | Porté
- Porte Consulting -


Integration in an easy way

Porte consulting deals with providing professional information, instructions as well as comprehensive counseling throughout entire integration process in Sweden. Conscious of your various needs, Porté Consulting works solely on an individual level.

In addition, we offer services to firms in the form of consulting and administration related to employees who are not in the Swedish system.

If you need help with a migration agency (migrationsverket), contact with the Tax Administration (skatteverket), or by any of the following cases, feel free to contact us.

Services provided by Porté Consulting

  • Migration law
  • Permit for moving to someone in Sweden
  • Work permit
  • Swedish citizenship
  • Residence permit
  • Residence cards for an EU citizens family who are non-EU citizen
  • Registration in the Swedish Population Register


Services provided for firms

  • Coordination
  • Tips focused on faster integration.
  • Complete work visa application for employment of workers from non-EU countries.
  • Professional coaching for groups and individuals.

Are you ready for Sweden?

Get ready for a better tomorrow!

Choose a right time

Our company is registered, which is, of course, a security for you as a client. No matter what solutions we bring, you always have one contact person with us - your personal advisor!

Porté Consulting

Porté Consulting deals with providing professional information, instructions as well as comprehensive counseling throughout entire integration process in Sweden.
